Glossary For Cooking Terms

These are the cooking terms that you might see in recipes...I am sharing some of the things i have learned about cooking terms that sometimes can be confusing  for beginners. Hence i have come up with this post which briefly explains some very commonly used cooking terms.
All the images are downloaded from the net...Keep checking as i will be adding terms as they come to my attention......


Cooking food by dry heat in an oven. Baking is used to bake cakes, biscuits,breads, pastries, pie tarts, you can even roast a chicken in a oven..

To roast either whole or cut pieces on any meat on direct heat on a spit or rack. Fish or any vegetable can also be barbecued.                                    
Basting -

Pouring spoonful or brushing it with  melted fat , sauce or fruit juice over the surface of food being baked or roasting.

Batter - 
Mixing of flour, gram flour,cornflour,with water, milk or any other liquid into a thin consistency. eg- Pancake batter, idli batter etc...
Beating -  
An up & down motion with a fork or rotary beater to mix the food  thoroughly & to introduce air.   e.g- Beat the eggs till well blended or beat the cake mixture till light & fluffy..                                                                                                    
Binding :

Adding egg, cream or melted fat to a dry mixture to hold it together.
Bite size :

Small pieces of food that can be eaten in one bite...
Blanching :    
 Removing the outer skin by plunging in hot water then in cold water.        eg- Blanching of almonds or tomatoes.  Blanching is also a good techinque for vegetables used for salads , so that they are softened just enough so that you can eat them raw like palak , carrot, broccoli etc...                                                    
Blending :

 Mixing of two or more ingredients either by hand with a spoon or with an electric mixer or a blender in to a  smooth paste..                                                                                                                    
Boiling :

 Cooking in hot liquid @ a temperature of 100 degrees C when  liquid is bubbling.
Boning :  
    Removing bones from the  meat, poultry or fish.
Bread  :
To coat the food  with crumbs (usually with soft or dry bread crumbs) sometimes seasoned on meat, fish, or vegetables.  


Browning :

   Cooking the outer surface  of meat to seal in the juices & to give the meat a brown color.                                
Brushing :

   Applying an even coating of  milk, egg or butter on the surface of food to get a shiny top.
Caramelize :

     To cook sugar till it turns golden color.
Chilling :                             Cooling food without freezing in the refrigerator.

Chop : 
   To cut food  into small pieces with a knife or blender.     
Coat :  

   To sprinkle food  with or dip it into flour etc.. Until completely covered .                 
Colander :
Perforated metal or plastic basket used for draining liquid from food after washing or cooking. 
Combine :
   To  mix ingredients eg- Combine the flour with butter & salt.  
Creaming :

   Mixing two or more ingredients with a wooden spoon or mixer to make them soft & creamy.  eg- Beat the butter & sugar till creamy.
Cube :

   To cut food into small squares. 

Crush :

Crushing food using a mortar & pestle or a rolling pin .

Dice :

  To cut vegetables into small pieces.

Dot :

    To place small  blobs of fat over, within or round the food being prepared in order to evenly distribute particles that are to be melted, absorbed or added to enhance the flavor.
 Dough :   

 A mixture of flour, water or milk which is firm enough to knead & form into shapes. eg- Pizza dough, chapati dough.                                       
Drain :

   To remove liquid from solid food : After cooking the meat drain off the excess fat or draining the water from the boiled pasta.
Dress :
                                                   (a) To arrange or garnish food. (b) To pluck & truss a chicken or
Dressing :                                                                                                                                                                           
   A sauce used for pouring on salad that usually has a  vinegar & oil base with a addition of herbs & spices before serving..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Dusting : 
 Sprinkling  lightly with salt, pepper,flour,sugar or spices. e.g- A cake may be dusted with powdered sugar or spices as a final decoration. Dust can also refer to the process of dusting a pan with flour in the preparation for baking.
Fillet :

   Long thin  boneless piece of meat or fish. Flesh of fish which has been cut or sliced away from the bone by cutting lengthwise along one side of the fish parallel to the bask bone.                                                                                                            
 Flake :

   Separate food gently with a fork (like flaking  fish or meat from the bones)                                                                                                   
 Folding in :

  Mixing one ingredient into another normally with a spatula.
 Frying :

    Cooking food  in a little fat in an open pan is called shallow frying. Deep     frying is cooking by immersion in a deep pan of hot fat.                             
Garnish :

Decorating a dish with something edible that adds color & flavor. 
Grate :  
  To rub against a  grater to get this shreds.                                                                      
Gravy :

The liquid that is left after cooking food...
Grilling :  
 Cooking directly on a open flame generally on high heat.         
julienne :

Vegetables cut into thin match like strips.
Kadai :

A heavy pan for deep frying ..Now a days steel aluminium or non-stick are available.       
Knead :

To work dough with hands, pressing, stretching & folding until it is smooth.To knead bread & chapati.
Marinate :

To coat or soak food with certain spices or sauces for a period of time. This helps infuse flavors or to tenderize the meat or chicken. The mixing of spices or sauces is called marinate.                                  
Melt :

 To heat & liquefy.                      
Mince :  
To chop food very finely  eg - for keema.

Pinch of  :

A pinch is an amount that can taken between the thumb & forefinger . 

eg : A pinch of salt....

Panch  Phoran :
   A mixture of nigella, mustard, cumin,methi & fennel  used in Bengali cooking


Pandan Leaves :

Pandan leaves is an herb known as fragrant  plant because of it's unique sweet aroma. It's leaves are used  for cooking up many thai & many south Indian dishes. Mostly is added to biriyani while cooking the rice.                                                                                                                      

Par- boiled rice :

Parboiled   is also called converted  rice that has been partially boiled in the husk. In India par-boiled rice is very popular in the southern states.It's preferred  for making idlis as well as kanji for babies & elders. This rice is better in terms of nutrition than raw rice.                                                                                                                             
Pare :

To peel the outer covering . 
Pinch :                            A amount you can hold between your thumb & forefinger.

Poach :

To cook egg  by placing it shelled in boiling water or to cook food  in a simmering  liquid.                                                                                  
Puree :

To press food through  a fine sieve or blend in a blender to make a smooth paste.                                                                                        
 Pot Roast :                      Cooking  large pieces of meat , fish or poultry slowly in a covered dish.

Pressure Cooker :
Is to drive out all the air, & thus have a very high temperature  in which the food cooks,so that it is much faster. It is important to read the instructions of your pressure cooker before use.                           
Prove :                           To let a dough rise till double in volume, dough made with yeast.

Rest :                               To rest a dough for a certain period of time..A term mostly used for doughs 
                                           or batters.

Rinds of Lemons or 
   oranges :

It is only the outer colored portion of the skin of the fruit that is used . Generally used to add sets to a  dish.                        
Roast :

To cook by dry heat in an oven or on an open flame.                     
Rub in :  

Flour & fat are mixed  together by rubbing with the finger tips to resemble fine bread crumbs.                           
 Saute :

To fry food rapidly in hot fat & tossing & turning often.                           
Sear :  

   To brown the  surface of food quickly over high heat.

 Scald :                             Means (a) cooking in a liquid, just below boiling point. This temperature is indicated  when tiny bubbles form around the edge of the pan. (b) Dipping food in boiling water...                                              
Season :

To add whole spices into hot fat so the fat is soaked  with the flavor of the spices. An important step in Indian cooking.            
Seasonings :

Herbs & condiments used to improve the taste & appearance of food.                                     
Sift :                                                                        

To pass through a sieve .                           
Simmering :

To cook gently over low heat .                              
Skewer :

Long metal or wooden thick pins used to pierce meat or fish for keeping them  in place during roasting.                            
Skillet :

A heavy shallow frying pan with slightly raised sides.                           
 Steaming :

Cooking in a double boiler or in a basin standing in ( but not covered by ) boiling water.                                          

Steeping :

To allow dry ingredients such as coffee, tea or spices to soak in a liquid  until the liquid takes on the  flavor of the dry ingredient.                                Also soaking in liquid to remove an ingredient e.g, salt from dried fish. 
Stirring :

Mixing in a circular motion.                     

Stock :

Liquid in which meat  poultry or fish is cooked.
Tarka :

To garnish food with herbs or condiments by frying in hot fat to enrich its taste & flavor.                       

 Temper :                            Same as to season & tarka.

Toast :

To cook food over dry heat or under a grill to make it brown & crisp.  
Toss :

To mix food lightly  with a lifting motion, using two forks or spoons.                       

Trivet :

The perforated  plate used in a pressure cooker through which steam passes.                                

Truss :

To fasten wings etc,, of fowl with thread before roasting. 

Unniyappamchatti :

Savoury & sweet unniyappam is cooked in this pan.

Whip :

To beat rapidly with fork,mixer or egg beaten to introduce air so that volume is increased.   
Whisk :

To stir or beat  very briskly, a hand or electric beater or wire whisk is used.        
Yeast :

  This is a raiser for bread  dough. There are generally two types of yeast, fresh or compressed & dry.                                                                                       

Zest :    
    Grated outer skin of citrus fruit which is used to flavor foods & liquids.         Same as the term- rinds of  lemons or oranges.                                                                                          

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