• While preparing rice for biriyani add a little lime juice, this prevents the rice from sticking to each other.
  • Meat should be marinated in curds for 3-4 hrs, this tenderizes the meat & helps to cook the meat quickly.
  • Fish should be cleaned thoroughly before cooking, rub the fish with rock salt & gram flour & rinse well.
  • Do not stir with spoon or ladle while cooking the fish as it will break the fish pieces, twist & turn the pan to stir the gravy.
  • To remove the smell of eggs & fish from the utensils wash it with gram flour or add lime peel,  water & boil it.
  • To make amchur powder- wash, peel & cut the raw mangoes & dry it in the sun till its dry, powder & store it.
  • To stop the tears while cutting the onions peel, wash the onions & refrigerate for 1/2 an hr before slicing them.
  • Curry leaves- while grinding or roasting south indian masalas add a few curry leaves, tastes much better & its an amazing medicine for today's life.
  • Always refrigerate the masala powders it will stay fresh for more then 6-8 months.
  • If your dish is over salted add peeled chopped potatoes & keep it for 1/2 an hr, it instantly absorbs the excess salt.
  • Hair oil for soft & silky hair heat 2 cups pure coconut oil when hot add 2 handful of curry leaves when its crisp off the flame & add 1 tsp methi powder & keep overnight squeeze it well, strain & bottle it. message it well to the scalp 1/2 an hr before bath.
  • To store the green chilies snap off & discard the stems place in a container....This helps the chilies to stay fresh for a longer time.
  • Best tips for getting burnt food off the casserole or any other dish is to fill it with cold water add 2-3 tblsp of cleaning liquid or washing powder & heat it...the burnt food will then start to lift off.
  • How to make bread crumbs:
  • Any type of bread  can be used (white or brown). You need to use dry bread, if your bread is too fresh just bake the bread slices in a slow oven till dry or

  • you can dry roast on a tawa or toast them in a toaster for 3  min.
  •   Let it cool tear them in small pieces & powder them in your blender or in a food processor.

  • How to prepare coconut milk :
  • Since i make coconut milk at home here i share how i prepare the coconut milk,actually it's very easy...I always make 3 extracts of coconut milk that's thick thin & thinner the 2nd & 3rd can be boiled, the first extract cannot be boiled just simmer for 2-3 min or it will curdle.
  • 1 cup grated coconut & 1 cup warm water blend well till the coconut is ground well for

         3-4 min. Pour the contents in a bowl lined with a thin muslin cloth or a fine strainer
        . The coconut milk will be strained & press with a spoon on the coconut shreds so that all the 
        milk is strained into the bowl...What you get is the thick coconut  milk  the 1st extract..  
  • Put back the coconut extracts in the blender again add 1.5 cup water & blend again.
  • Again strain the content in a different bowl using the same strainer or muslin cloth press with a spoon on the shreds again,this is the thin coconut milk 2nd extract.
  • For the 3rd extract proceed in the same way as u prepared for the 2nd extract & strain in a different bowl.
  • So now you have fresh homemade coconut milk which u can use in your cooking to make curries, payyasam etc :)

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