Thursday 28 June 2018

Egg Vellayappam / Appam

Egg vellayappam is same as the Vellayappam/ Appam ....Just crack a egg on the center of the appam & cook that's it ...

Crispy paper thin edges soft fluffy center, the egg white cooked & golden yellow yolk half cooked with sweet coconut milk is delicious πŸ˜‹

The runny  egg yolk looks tempting try it.... Yummy!!! 

All you need is vellayappam batter  for the Appam batter recipe  click here πŸ‘‰ Vellayappam / Appam  & egg...

  • Heat a appam chatti grease the pan & pour about 1 large ladle full of batter into the center of the pan quickly swirl the pan by holding the ears of the pan so that the batter thinly coats the side of the pan while the rest of the batter is in the center.. 
  • Immediately crack an egg onto the center of the appam & cover with a lid & cook on medium flame till it's done ( The edges are brown & crispy & the center is done )..  

  •  If you don't want the yolk runny increase the cooking time... Serve hot with sweet coconut milk...
  • How to make sweet coconut milk : cup fresh coconut, 1/2 cup milk blend well  for 2 -3 min strain the milk you get thick coconut milk, add sugar according to your taste & serve with Vellayappam/ Appam or Idiyappam Delicious πŸ˜‹

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