Thursday 9 May 2019

Baked Mango Yogurt

Baked yogurt ( Bhapa doi) a Bengali Dessert so cooling & refreshing to have in summer season..This dessert  is bomb πŸ˜‹When my nephew told me about this dessert & send me the pic i checked the google, tried it without any flavor, I was bowled no wonder my nephew was crazy over this dessert  πŸ˜ƒ easy to make with  minimum effort & the texture is same as ice cream.

These dessert can be baked in ramekins bowl for individual servings which is perfect...

If you like in one large cake shape bake it in a cake pan..I have baked in a oven the water bath method ...

Serves : 6 
Ingredients :
  • 1 cup hung curd. 
  • 1 cup condensed milk. 
  • 1 cup thick cream milk.
  •  2 tsp ripe mango puree, 
  • 2 ripe mango slices for decorating.  
  • 2 tsp melted jaggery (optional) for more sweetness.
  •  6 ramekins bowl / oven safe bowl or a cake pan.

Method :
  • Preheat the oven at 200 degree C.
  • Take  a large bowl add the hung curd, the condensed milk & whisk with the electric hand  blender till creamy.
  • Next add the thick cream milk,2 tsp mango puree & melted jaggery (optional) & blend till well combined.

  • Grease the bowl pour the curd mixture into the ramekins bowl till the rim.
  • In a baking dish big enough to add 6 ramekins ( I used 2 smaller dish as i didn't have bigger tray) place the filled bowl in the baking tray.  
  • Pour hot water in the baking dish  till the filled ramekins are half immersed in the water ( This is water bath baking method) 
  • Place the tray in the preheated oven & bake for 30-35 min or till the toothpick inserted comes out clean.   

  • Take out the tray & let it cool... Once the curd is cool re frigate it for at least 2 hrs till well set.

  • Now you can slowly loosen the sides & put it upside down  in a separate  serving bowl & place thinly slice mango pieces round the edges..
    • Try it once you get the taste you'll get addicted to this delicious dessert πŸ˜‹πŸ˜Š 

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