Thursday 4 August 2016

Macaroni In Jack fruit Payasam

Jack fruit is a treat to jack fruit lovers...:) Jack fruit is a native to part of south & jack fruit payasam is a dessert being served @ the tail of a meal :) Jack fruit has become a trend its used in ice-cream & cakes though i never tasted it.....
You'll find lot's of jack fruit trees in kerala & @ every house they will have a jack fruit tree & there are a few jack fruit tree @ my hubby's house also...While coming back from Kerala my co-sis add kept a whole bulk of ripe jack fruit in our car :) Waited for three days to become ripe & enjoyed eating the ripe sweet pulp....
It was too much for two of us so i stored the pulp in the freezer before it gets spoiled...I was thinking how to make use of it then it striked  me to make jack fruit payasam with a twist so that i can add in my blog...
 Payasam is usually made by grinding the jack fruit & some add marble size rice dumplings to the payasam.. To make it easier i decided to add macaroni ....I always used to wander why not make something sweet with macaroni than the usual pasta i thought to give this a try....
All these days macaroni means savory pasta now i found a sweet pasta yup that's it....
The day i made this payasam my nephew was with us staying & after tasting he gave me a thumbs up !!!
 Try this yummy macaroni floating in jack fruit payasam  & impress your family :)   

Ingredients :
  • Ripe jack fruit pulp - 300 gm.
  • Marconi - 40-50 gm.
  • Jaggery / molasses  - 130 gm.
  • Grated coconut - 1 1/2 cup
  • Coconut or copra slices - 1/4 cup.
  • Ghee - 2 tbsp.
  • Pinch of salt.
  • Cardamom powder - tsp.
  • Dry ginger powder - 1/2 tsp.
  • A pinch of salt.
Method :
  • Extract 1 cup thick milk, cup thin milk & 1 1/2 cup thinner milk from the grated coconut.
      How to make coconut milk click here > USEFUL TIPS

  • Cut the jack fruit in bite size pieces.

  • Boil the Marconi in lots of water till done. Drain the water & keep aside. 

  • This is  the jaggery i used, melt the jaggery with 1/4 cup water in a microwave,  break the lumps & keep aside.
  • Heat ghee in a pan when hot add the coconut pieces, when golden brown remove from the oil & keep aside.
  • In the same pan add the jack fruit & saute for 3-4 min..
  • Add the thinner coconut milk & let it boil till the jack fruit is done & the milk is reduced.
  • Take a few cooked jack fruit pieces in blender add 2-3 tbsp thin milk & grind to a fine paste & add it back to the pan ( this is to thicken the payasam)
  •  Add the thin milk once it start boiling add  the melted jaggery & keep simmering.
  •  Add the cooked macaroni,dry ginger powder, cardamom powder & let it cook on medium flame ,when it's semi thick.....

  • Add the thick milk & let it simmer on medium flame for 5-8 min.
  • Add the fried coconut pieces mix well. Take off flame,now add a pinch of salt & stir well.
  • Serve warm in monsoon season or serve it chilled in summer:) 

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