Thursday 17 May 2018

Garam masala powder

The garam masala i share can be used for any recipes from curries to Biryani. The choice of garam masala powder is a matter of personal taste  some like it strong & some like it mild & most of them prefer the ready made...Garam masala is very easy & you need only 15-20 min to make & i don't even sun dry it... i make a batch once in 6 months & store it...Here is my version using only the whole garam masala...Try making your own homemade garam masala powder..

Ingredients :

40 gm fennel seeds, 15 gm green cardamoms, 10 bay leaves, 10 petals of mace, 1 whole nutmeg,
15 gm black cardamoms, 15 gm cinnamon, 1 tbsp shahajeera,  1 tsp peppercorns, 5 star anise, 15 gm Cloves.

Heat a tava or kadai make it very hot & then off the flame add all the garam masala & dry roast them keep on stirring till it's cool..Roasting all the garam masala makes a difference..Be careful not to burn the spices allow to cool....

Blend all the spices together in a blender.Sieve & blend the residue once again to a fine powder.

Store in a airtight container when cool...Keeps well for at least 6-8 months A pinch of garam masala makes the curries tasty & aromatic👍

1 comment:

  1. great and nice blog thanks sharing..I just want to say that all the information you have given here is awesome...Thank you very much for this one.
    Traditional Indian Food
