Thursday 26 July 2018

Curry Leaves Powder ( microwave )

Curry leaves is a main ingredient used for seasoning curries in south Indian cuisine & i use a lot of it while seasoning  plucked fresh from my garden & it gives a unique aroma.. Curry leaves has  lot of medicinal properties but still people discard it the as the first thing even before they start eating i personally don't eat them just keep them on the side of the plate, once i got the technique  of  powdering the  curry leaves in microwave i garnish most of my south Indian dishes with the curry leaves powder &  no one can discard it.....😉 ðŸ˜€
It's also good idea to make a curry leaves hair oil  mix it with coconut oil is gr8 for soft silky hair...How to make the hair oil click 👉Curry Leaves Hair oil...       

Method :   

  • Take 2 handful of fresh curry leaves wash them well , drain them in a colander & keep aside for 1 hr so that it's dry..

  • Take a micro safe plate or a glass plate, place a tissue paper on the plate & spread a handful of curry leaves on the tissue paper & microwave on high power 900 for 2 min ..

  •  At first you will see the leaves are moist & the moisture on the tissue paper now you remove the tissue paper & spread the curry leaves on the plate & microwave on high power for another 2-3 min..
  •  You get the crisp curry leaves keep it for 5 min to cool...

  • Crush it with your hand & store it or.....

  • Powder the curry leaves in your blender & store them in a airtight jar & use as needed..

Note : Can powder methi leaves, parsley leaves & basil leaves the same method.. Try it...

Thursday 19 July 2018

Spicy Grilled Breadfruit

Breadfruit marinated in curds, spices & grilled is a gr8 idea instead of frying. I used to deep fry once I got the skill of grilling the breadfruit i often do it whenever the breadfruit is available it's healthier....Try this simple method instead of frying.. Crispy & more like a chips to have as a snack with tomato sauce & a hot cup of tea ðŸ˜‹

Serves : 3
Ingredients :
  • 300 gm breadfruit peeled & sliced .
  • 1/4 cup thick curd.
  • 1 tsp spicy red chilli powder.
  • 1 tsp kashmiri chilli powder .
  • 1/2 tsp jeera/ cumin powder.
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric powder.
  • 1/4 tsp ginger powder.
  • A dash of hing / asfeotidia powder.
  • 1/2 tsp salt.
  • Few finely chopped curry leaves.
  • Peel, then measure it 300 gm of breadfruit wash  & slice them 1/4''thick.
  • Mix all the ingredients & keep aside for 1/2an hr...
  • Heat the griller on high  heat, Lay the slices on a grill tray & grill them on both sides till done & brown in between you can brush  oil on both sides. 
  • When it's cooked &  brown on both sides remove & serve hot with tomato sauce 😋

Thursday 5 July 2018

Oven Cooked Chicken Sukka (Slow cooking) With Neer Dosa

Delicious oven cooked chicken sukka is full of flavor using   Kundapuri chicken masala powder ,grated coconut & thick coconut milk slowly cooked in oven ..😋

Try this baked version it's fantastic...Have it with steamed rice or neer dosa..

  • 500 gm chicken cut in medium pieces.
  • 3 tbsp Kundapuri chicken masala powder .
  • 150 gm + 60 gm onions minced finely.
  • 1/2 cup / 60 gm grated coconut ground coarsely.
  • 1/4 cup thick coconut milk.
  • 1&1/2 tbsp +1 tbsp coconut oil or ghee.
  • 2'' cinnamon.
  • 4 cloves.
  • Few curry leaves.
  • 4 crushed garlic.
  • 1 tsp salt.
Method :

    1. Heat a pan add 1&1/2 tbsp oil, garlic, cinnamon,cloves saute for a sec.
    2. Add 150 gm minced onion & fry on high heat for 5-6 min till light brown..

    1.  Add the marinated chicken..
    2.  Brown the chicken pieces on both sides on  medium flame for 5 min..

    1. Transfer the chicken to a baking dish  & add the coarsely ground coconut, coconut milk & salt...
    2. Mix well & cover with a tight lid & place it in the preheated oven & let it cook for 30 min.

    • Meanwhile in  another pan add 1 tbsp coconut oil add  1 minced onion & curry leaves & fry till  brown.

    1. Remove the dish from the oven after 30 min (don't off the oven) u can see it's nearly dry ,add the fried onion mix cover with the lid & place it back in the oven for another 30 min..
    2. Sprinkle with Curry leaves powder & serve with steamed rice or neer dosa.
     Neer dosa recipe

    • Wash & soak 1 cup raw rice for 3 hrs drain the water & grind to a fine paste adding enough  water if you add more you won't able to grind the rice add salt to taste... 
    •  Add the batter to another bowl & add more water so that the batter is thin watery consistency.
    • Heat a nonstick dosa pan brush  all over the pan with oil the pan should be hot pour a ladle spoon of the batter & with the help of the handle swirl the pan so that the batter spreads evenly throughout the pan cover with a lid & cook on medium heat till done..Do not flip the dosa .. That's it serve hot with chicken sukka ðŸ˜‹

    Mango Milk Pudding

    When it's the mango season i try experimenting new recipes with the ripe mangoes till it comes perfect i keep doing it again & again, once it's a success & by the time i post it's end of the season...This time it's a pudding ,looks like a cake isn't it, no not a cake no need to bake nor steam ..I used  the  agar agar to set the pudding it's 100 % vegetarian 😊

     Easy to make creamy delicious yummy  mango milk pudding just melts into your mouth quick to make & rest the  refrigerator will set it  ðŸ˜‹ 😀
    When i first saw the image in Google using mango slices to form a rose i loved it & found it easy to make it....Is it perfect ?

    Ingredients :
    • 200 UNIBIC cookies ( can use any other sweet biscuits of your choice)
    • 100 gm soft butter.
    • 15 gm agar agar.
    • 350 ml milk.
    • 1/4 tsp saffron.
    • 250 gm amul fresh cream.
    • 3/4 cup  + 1 tbsp sugar.
    • 1& 1/2 cup ripe mango cut into small cubes.
    • 3 mangoes to decorate
    • 6 &1/2 inch mould or a spring form cake tin 

    Method : Step 1- Let's make the base.

    • Powder the biscuits in a food processor then  add melted butter & blend for 1 min till well combined..

    • Cover the base of the mould with the aluminum foil...  Line the base of the mould with the biscuit mixture  & firmly press down till u get a level base & pace it in the  refrigerator to set...
    • Cut the mangoes into small cubes 1 & 1/2 cup..

    Step 2 :
    • Cut the agar agar into strands & soak them in  a pan with 1/2 cup water...
    • Meanwhile heat the milk with saffron on medium heat..

    • Add the amul milk cream& allow it to simmer on slow flame keep stirring..
    • Meanwhile heat the agar agar with the water on low flame till it's completely dissolved in water, add the sugar & mix well. Off the flame.

    • Add a 2 tbsp of the heated milk saffron  to the agar agar mixture mix well & pour all back to the simmering milk saffron pan & stir well for 1-2 min till dissolved ( do not boil ) off the flame (Do not add the mango now the milk might curdle ) allow to cool slightly .
    • Add the mango pieces to the milk saffron pan mix well...
    • Take out the mould from the refrigerator & pour the mixture into the mould & keep it back in the refrigerator to set for 2 hrs or more...

    • To make the mango rose : Cut the 3 mangoes into thin slices starting from the outer edge line with the mango slices slightly overlapping the rows when you reach the center  roll up the mango slices & place it in the center that's it... Now slowly remove the mould & place the pudding in a plate slowly & back to the refrigerator till your ready to serve...Enjoy 😋